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- George Washington didn't want his image on US coins. He didn't want to imitate European monarchs.
- According to a Kinsey survey, 75% of men ejaculate within three minutes after penetration
- It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. Another one that was proven wrong by Mythbusters.
- In South Africa it is a law that single ply toilet paper must have 500 sheets in the roll
- Your foot is the same length as your forearm
- In the US, Americans eat about 18 acres of pizza a day
- If you plug your nose you can't hum (keep your mouth close too).
- Diamonds are not that rare, De Beers creates an artificial scarcity by stockpiling mined diamonds and selling them in small amounts
- As of May, 2010; 1.2 Billion people still defecate in the open
- In Victorian times, prostitutes wore pubic wigs
- The longest flight of a chicken is about 13 seconds
- Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest
- On average, a woman’s heart beats faster than a man’s heart
- The United States hold the record for the highest divorce rate in the world
- Other than humans, black lemurs are the only primates that may have blue eyes
- Names in Iceland's phone books are listed alphabetically by first name not by last name
- Cats can hear ultrasound
- The skin of the average woman weighs 3 kilograms, while that of the average man weighs 5 kilograms
- Dutch, on average are the tallest people
- Kissing is healthier than shaking hands
- Jaguars are frightened by dogs
- Linda Wolfe is the most married women in the world. She legally married 23 men one after the other; each marriage ending in the divorce of death of the husband.
- There are no cemeteries in San Francisco, CA (excluding the federal National Cemetery at Lincoln Way)
- Married men tip better than unmarried men
- India never invaded any country in her history
- 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
- In Scotland, people throw stinking crud like eggs and sauces on their brides. That was apparently not true, thanks for those who pointed this out. Scottish throw confetti like many how it is in many countries. In some other countries, they throw rice.
- Natural pearls melt in vinegar
- Licorice (or liquorice) and avocado are among the food that sets the mood for love making
- An olive tree can live up to 1500 years
- The dial tone of a normal telephone is in the key of "F"
- Cleopatra married two of her brothers
- There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar
- The tradition of brides carrying a bouquet of flowers started with the brides trying to hide their body odor
- Buttermilk does not contain any butter
- Before toilet paper was invented, French royalty wiped their bottoms with fine linen
- The earth is about 6,588,000,000,000,000,000 tons in weight
- A goldfish has a memory span of about 3 seconds. I was corrected on that by a friend who stated that : The goldfish has a memory of 3-months instead of 3 seconds. Also provided: Goldfish "can be trained to memorize mazes for up to one month, and can be trained to press levers for food, even at a specific time of day. The sale of fishbowls (due to their inability to provide sufficient oxygen and the possibility that they may stunt growth) have been banned in some countries"
- There are 86,400 seconds in day
- The parachute was invented by DiVinci in 1515
- Ants never sleep
- The human brain is 80% water
- On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament Building is an American flag. Was corrected about that, it is actually a Canadian flag.
- No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, victim, silver or purple. I was corrected about "orange" by a friend: ((taken from an episode of Stephen Fry's QI show) Blorange - is a place in Wales. Also: Gorringe - is a common English surname of many, amongst whom there was Henry Honeychurch Gorringe, the guy who brought Cleopatra's Needle to NY Central Park!
- Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot. She actually had a normal set of 10. The mistake was caused by a clump of sand on her feet during a photo shoot when she was known as Norma Jeane.
- If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white
- The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law that stated you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb. (Appears to be an urban legend. The rule of thumb refers to a primitive way of writing measurements before a standardized system. The thumb width at that time was considered closed to about 1 inch - maybe on average, the thumbs of our ancestors were thicker!)
- 'Jedi' is an official religion in Australia with over 70,000 followers.
- Church of England has apologized to Charles Darwin 200 years after his birth
- Chewing gum while peeling onions will reduce your tears
- Dalmatians are born without spots
- There are 318,979,564,000 possible combinations of the first four moves in Chess
- Men’s shirts have the buttons on the right while women’s shirts have the buttons on the left
- Roosters have to extend their necks in order to crow
- Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room
- Armadillos have four babies at a time and they are always all the same sex
- In 2009 one of eight newly married couples in the US met online
- There are about 540,000 words in the English language and growing
- Gamblers mostly don't see any clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos
- If you are right handed, you will tend to chew food on your right side. If you are left handed, you likely to chew food on your left side
- The bedroom is the most common place for sex and the car is second
- Humans and bonobo monkeys (pygmy chimpanzee) are the only species who have face-to-face sex
- Everyday, 15 billion cigarettes are smoked worldwide
- Hugo Boss designed some of the Nazi SS uniforms
- Any free moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere, because of its surface tension
- A snail can slide over a razor blade without being hurt by producing slime that helps it slide harmlessly
- Worldwide, there are approximately 100 million acts of sexual intercourse each day
- Women blink nearly twice as much as men
- The number 39 is considered unlucky by so many in Afghanistan
- The human heart beats over 100,000 times a day
- Human fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails
- The French tickler was invented by a Tibetan monk
- Studies have proven that it is harder to tell a convincing lie to someone you find sexually attractive
- Onions have no flavor, only a smell. Corrected on that: Onions do have a flavor because you can taste anything that you can smell. Particles of whatever you are smelling make their way past your nasal passage and onto your taste-buds
- Soccer players run on average as many as 6 miles during the course of a game
- Red wine will spoil if exposed to light; hence tinted bottles
- One quarter of the bones in the human body is in the feet
- Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed (paw).
- Polar bears with transparent, fluffy fur actually have black skin
- The largest hummus dish was prepared in Lebanon. It weighed 10,452 Kg.
- Some kinds of sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world; most other kinds of sharks give live birth.
- The blue whale can produce the loudest sound of any animal. At 188 decibels, the noise can be detected over 800 kilometres away
- The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day for plumbers in the US
- The eyes of the chameleon can move independently. It can see in two different directions at the same time
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