5 Facts about Microwaves

Have you had any concerns on using Microwaves? Fear NOT!. Here are 5 facts on Microwaves you should remember

Microwaves & more | CASO Design Onlineshop

5. Microwaves are safe to use and it does not cause cancer

The food heated in a microwave does not become radioactive and is therefore safe. Microwave ovens operate at a frequency that is not harmful unlike other higher radiating frequency

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4. Microwaving food does not remove its nutrients

While it is true that some nutrients, like Vitamin C for example, do break down when exposed to heat, this isn’t solely a microwave cooking issue, but rather can occur no matter how that food is heated.

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3. Microwaves are not radioactive they are electromagnetic

Microwaves are not radioactive, they are electromagnetic. while they can cause molecules to vibrate, like the water molecules in our leftovers, they do not change the chemical structure of the food by ionizing it or through any other means.

Microwaves - Electromagnetic Spectrum

2. Microwave cannot alter DNA

Microwaves cause molecules with electric dipoles (like water) to rotate. The friction that this generates with the other molecules creates heat. DNA is an electrically charged molecule, so microwaving it will shake it up. But it does not have sufficient energy to damage the DNA for it to mutate.

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1. You need to be careful with plastic

At room temperatures, plastic wrap is perfectly safe, but introducing it to heat in a microwave may not be a good idea. As items in the microwave become super-heated by the electromagnetic radiation, plastic wrap may begin to break down, causing its component chemicals to leach out into your food. One chemical of concern is bisphenol A or BPA. Some scientific research suggests exposure to BPA can increase one's risk of certain types of cancer. 

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